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SANCTIMONIA (1436) Game: 20 Turn: 3920
Name Type Sk To Aw Ch Ws Kills Kills% Exp Score
Mordred DF-Wa 99 50 18 4 494 17 19.3 35 2511
Tywyn DF-Wa 99 50 25 5 410 21 23.9 313 2517
Skundar BF-Wa 95 50 17 3 409 7 8 34 2316
Juurgen DF-Fo 99 50 23 4 353 18 20.5 33 2421
Hagriid DF-Fo 99 50 17 3 344 13 14.8 33 2337
Jaaken DF-Fo 99 50 17 4 310 12 13.6 33 2312
Totals:   590  300  117  23  2320  88  100%  481  14414 
Averages:   98.3  50.0  19.5  3.8  386.7  15    80  2402 

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