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Garthrana is slightly older than Fleyshur by only a few minutes. The twins have been at odds with each since they have existed. Garthrana was initially greatly impressed by Sundonak and strove to be like him, however she realised she could never replace him in the role of War God so instead she decided to counter her twin's irritating violent streak. Since then Garthrana and Fleyshur have had an obsession with defeating each other. The older Gods generally tolerate their sibling's obsession with each other and leave them to it.

Her natural tendency to challenge the actions of her twin developed over time into an obsession to right wrongs, eventually developing as the personification of revenge and also as the purifier.

When Fleyshur's minions gained the upper hand in Kharne Garthrana was distraught. Eventually, through sheer persistence, Garthrana was able to help her minions defeat the forces of Fleyshur.

Since the Fleyshur rampages came to an end Garthrana has tried to persuade the other Gods to help limit Fleyshur's activities. The other gods though have their own spheres of interest and tend to be a blinded to the actions of their sibling except where it interferes with their own concerns.

She covers the following spheres of reality: -

  • Persistence (Obsession)
  • Justice (Revenge, Law)
  • Sun (Light, Fire, Heat)
  • Anti-Undeath
  • Discipline
  • Hope


The high expectations of Garthrana Priests is too much for most people, thus most of the active Garthrana Priests are quite impressive, and sometimes quite scary, people.

There are two main sects amongst the Garthrana Priests: -

Purifiers: This sect is peopled with zealots bent on the discovery and destruction of evil in all its many forms. Their obsessive natures often results in resentment by the common man especially when entire villages are burnt following accusations of necromancy. The Inquisitors say this is an unfortunate side effect of protecting everyone from evil. The Inquisitors are particularly opposed to necromancy, constantly searching for any signs of the foul creatures spawned by this dark art.

The Priests of this sect are the dangerous minions of Garthrana, emphasizing the qualities of Sun, Persistence and opposition to Necromancy in all its forms.

Inquisitors: This sect believes that seeking out corruption is often self-defeating. The Priests tend to be cynical or sceptical, waiting for true proof before acting. While this can be seen as logical and receives praise from the followers of Phyloqure, it can lead to missed opportunities, when evil could have been confronted and defeated, simply by acting too late; some Sundonak sects see this as a failing, rather than a strength.

The Priests of this sect are the dangerous minions of Garthrana, emphasizing the qualities of Hope, Justice and Discipline.



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