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Quest Player Manual

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Special Items

Over the millennia many powerful items have been created or found. These items are normally exceptionally powerful when compared to their basic counterparts. Many adventurers have dedicated themselves to locating these lost items either for a patron that has sponsored them, or for their own use and glory. Reliable information about them is very hard to come by, and many adventurers spend years chasing red herrings, or in some unfortunate cases red Dragons!

Some items have a limited number of charges. Once these charges run out the item needs to be recharged, typically at certain Magical Sites or via Power Scrolls.

Some special items are permanently enchanted with a special power; these are particularly important. For example, an amulet that has a Hide Emotion Power or a Crystal Ball of Scrying.

All Special items have a '?' in front of the item number, for example, Mirror (?165434). These can be investigated for more information. Like all items, Special Items will be in a party's Plunder slot when they are first acquired, thus you need to be careful about what you do with your plunder slot and you should be aware that leaving the item there can result in it being stolen!

The '?' is a moderation aid and the '?' should not be included in any turn orders, if you do so the order will likely fail.

Any party can deliver a PS (476) or Message Scrolls (473) to any Alliance scroll storeroom; yes this means you can deliver items to another Alliance.



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