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Gold is the standard currency of Kharne. You can share out your gold between your characters using the NEW MONEY order. To give an equal amount to each character you would use 99 or to share it out to minimise party loads use 0. Using a character number would result in all gold being given to that character.


N (character/95-99/0)

For example: N 99 will share your gold amongst all characters and N 0 will distribute the gold to the least encumbered.

If you wished to move an amount of gold from one character to another, the order to use would be the GIVE MONEY order. This order also allows you to give your money away to others. To do this, they must be in the same sector as you.


G (character/99) (target) (amount)

For example: G 12 1 200 would have character 12 give 200 gold to character 1



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