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Expanding Your Group

A party can include up to fifteen different characters so one of the things you will wish to do early on is recruit a few new members. This is done while in town and is a two part process.

You first place an advert for potential adventurers to join your party. You will need to offer an amount of gold, with 50 being the minimum. The more you offer the better the potential recruits and the more that apply.

You can specify what type of character you are looking for but others may turn up as well. Use the number shown.


J (character type) (gold)

For example: J 11 70 will offer 70 gold for a dwarf thief.

On your next game report, you will see who turns up and can then accept any, all or none of the applicants. You must use the number to the left of the recruit to indicate the ones you accept. They will then be paid the gold you offered and immediately join your party. You should give the recruit(s) a name.

The recruit will take the lowest empty character slot i.e. become character seven if he is your first additional member. This is important if you wish to buy equipment for him immediately as you must use the character number not the recruit number

1. Human Fighter (HF)
2. Human Mage (HM)
3. Human Thief (HT)
4. Human Priest (HP)

5. Elven Fighter (EF)
6. Elven Mage (EM)
7. Elven Thief (ET)
8. Elven Priest (EP)

9. Dwarf Fighter (DF)
10. Dwarf Mage (DM)
11. Dwarf Thief (DT)
12. Dwarf Priest (DP)

13. Halfblood Fighter (BF)
14. Halfblood Mage (BM)
15. Halfblood Thief (BT)
16. Halfblood Priest (BP)

X (recruit) (name)

For example: X 23 Nordheim will accept recruit number 23.You can make the character female at the time of recruitment by using XF instead of X.For example: XF 23 Elanor will accept recruit number 23.



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