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Plunder & Unclaimed Equipment

Equipment picked up from combat, handed to your party or simply found lying in the wilderness or dungeons goes to a separate store of Plunder and Unclaimed Equipment on the party, rather than straight on to a random character's equipment list. This makes it easier for more experienced parties to get rid of unwanted items. This is controlled by the H (hand) order, using the number 16 to represent the plunder and 99 to represent all items.

H 16 1 123456 - Character 1 is handed item number 123456

H 16 2 99 - Character 2 is handed all the plunder items

H 16 23 65432 - Try to sell unclaimed item 65432 at shop 23

H 16 20 99 - Try to sell all unclaimed items at shop 20

H 16 0 13579 - If in the wilderness then dump item 13579 from the plunder (gone forever)

If in a settlement then go around all the shops selling item 13579 at the first place that'll buy it

H 16 0 99 - If in the wilderness then dump all the items from the plunder (gone forever)

If in a settlement then go around all the shops selling all plunder items at the first place that'll buy them

N.B. Plunder is not guarded as well as personal items. Items should be sold or handed to party members as quickly as possible as the plunder is easy pickings for the local Thieves' guilds. It could be worth setting up a standing order to hand all items.



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