Attitude Change | A (target/0/180) (attitude) | See Initiating Combat for more information |
Cast Spell | C (character) (spell) (target) | For example: C 11 23 14 will have character 11 cast spell number 23 on character 14. |
Cast Test Spell | C (character) (powder) (0) | For example: C 2 346 0 tells character 2 to experiment using spell powders 303, 304 and 306 |
Combat Preference | CP (character/95-99) (0/1) | For example: CP 96 1 will set all your party's thieves to use missile weapons |
Engage | E (target) | For example: E 2123 tells your party to attack on sight monster group 2123 |
Flee | F (1-100) | For example: F 20 orders your party to retreat once they have taken losses of twenty percent or more |
Give Money | G (character/99) (target) (amount) | For example: G 12 1 200 would have character 12 give 200 gold to character 1 |
Hand Item | H (character/95-99) (target) (item) | For example: H 3 4 150 tells character 3 to give character 4 item 150 (a suit of cloth armour). H 2 45 151 tells character 2 to sell to shop 45 item 151 |
Investigate | I (target) | For example: I 801 will investigate monster type 801 |
Keep Eyes Open | K (target) | For example: K 819 tells your party to be alert for any monster types 819 |
New Money Distribution | N (character/95-99/0) | For example: N 99 will share your gold amongst all characters. |
No Attack Status | NA | For more information check out the 'No Attack Status' in the Combat section |
Order of Casting | O (character) (position) (spell) | For example: 0 3 4 62 will have character three prepare to cast spell 62 as his fourth spell in the event of combat. |
Pray | P (0/god) | For example: P 5 instructs your party to pray to god Ythcal - the Lord of Death). |
Quit Party |
Q (character) (character) (character) | For more information check 'Splitting Your Party' section under Expanding Your Group |
Rest | R (time) | For example: R 2 will rest your party for 2 hours and use up 4 movement points |
Rename Character | RC (character) (new name) | For example: RC 3 Owyn Orcslayer would give a new name to character 3 |
Remount | RM (character/95-99) (Horse No.) | Check Horses section for more information |
Speed | S (1=fast, 2=normal, 3=cautious) | S For example: S 1 selects rapid movement for your party in their current environment |
Steal | S (target) | A thief from your party will attempt to steal money and items from another party, monster or NPC. Unsuccessful stealing may result in an unwanted attack by the monster or party concerned! This is made even worse as the rest of the party may be some distance from the thief when he is caught. For example: S 2487 sends your thief to rob monster group 2487 |
Swap Character Positions | SC (character) (character) | You can change your party's marching formation using this order. For example: SC 6 2 will have character 6 move to the second position in your party. If a character was already in slot 2, they will swap places with character 6 |
Sex Change | SX (character/99) | Al characters when they arrive at your party are classed as male unless you use the XF order. You can if you wish change them to female. The sex of the character has no affect on the success or otherwise of an action SX (character/99) For example: SX 5 will change the sex of character number 5. |
Use Item | U (character) (item) (target) | For example: U 2 114 0 equips character 2 with 114 (a heavy crossbow). |
Use Weapon Practice | U (character) (weapon) (trainer) | For example: U 5 110 3 tells character 3 to train character 5 in the use of maces |
Xpel Character | X (character) (name) | For example: x 3 Ravenhall would throw Ravenhall out of your group |
Yes, Accept/Complete Quest | Y (quest) | For example: Y 1232 will have your party start or end quest number 1232 |
Zap Quest | Z (quest) | For example: Z 1232 will cancel Quest number 1232 |
Wait and Ambush | W (target) | Your party will prepare an ambush against the party or monster type specified. This is the same as the Wilderness order of the same name. |
Buy | B (character/95-99) (shop/0) (item) | For example: B 1 34 102 will tell character 1 to purchase from shop 34 item 102. B 99 34 152 will tell all your characters to buy item 152. |
Sell Item | H (character/95-99) (shop) (item) | See Transfering and Selling items for more information |
Investigate | I (target) | For example: I 801 will investigate monster type 801 |
Join Me | J (type) (amount) | For example: J 11 70 will offer 70 gold for a dwarf thief. |
Locate Suburb or Shop | L (suburb or shop) | For example: L 43 tells your party to move towards town number 43 |
Move out of town | M (direction code) | For example: M 557 will move your party south two sectors and then west one |
Select Speed | S (speed) | For example: S 1 selects rapid movement for your party in their current environment |
Talk | T (shop) | For example: T 22 has you talk with the owner of shop 22 and any customers |
Visit Arena | VA (target party/0) | For example: VA 1230 will request a duel with party 1230. |
Xcept Recruit | X (recruit) (name) | For example: X 23 Nordheim will accept recruit number 23. You can make the character female at the time of recruitment by using XF instead of X. For example: XF 23 Elanor will accept recruit number 23. |
Investigate | I (target) | For example: I 801 will investigate monster type 801 |
Locate Town | L (town) | For example: L 43 tells your party to move towards town number 43 |
Move | M (direction code) | For example: M 557 will move your party south two sectors and then west one |
Select Speed | S (speed) | S (1=Fast/2=Normal/3=Cautious) For example: S 1 selects rapid movement for your party in their current environment |
Track | T (target) | For example: T 3849 tells your party to follow the trail of monster group 3849 |
Wait and Ambush | W (target) | Check under Dungeon Movement section for more information |
Depth Control | D (direction) | Use this order to indicate whether you wish to move up or down any stairs found within a dungeon. The direction parameter is 0 to remain on the same level, 1 to move up, and 2 to move deeper. You will continue to do this until you either issue another Depth order, or leave the dungeon. For example: D 2 would move your party down any stairs found to lower dungeon levels |
Investigate | I (target) | When used in a dungeon this order has an extra use. If you write a room number as the target your party will move to that room (as though an L order had been issued), and will then explore the room with an 'I 0' order, briefly examining everything discovered there. You must know where the room is located for this order to work. The results will be shown on your printout as two separate orders |
Locate room | L (direction/room) | Your party will explore the dungeon, moving in the specified movement direction or to a particular room. To move to a room, you must know where it is already. For example: L 1 would tell your party to explore in a northerly direction. L 23 will move your party back to room 23 |
Move out of Dungeon | M (direction code) | A party in a room with stairs leading to the surface can use this order to leave a dungeon and then travel in the direction indicated by the direction code. The direction code can consist of up to seven di
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