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Magic - Prepared Spells

As spell casting in combat is automatic, your mage or priest can prepare up to six spells ready for casting. These can be all different or the same spell can be used two or more times. When a battle begins, the spell caster will look at the first spell and if this is suitable, will start to cast it. Once this has been cast, he will try to cast the next one down the list. If a spell is unsuitable, such as healing when nobody is injured, or missing ingredients or points are too low, the spell will be ignored.

Each spell or priest power takes time to prepare and cast. Generally, the more powerful the spell, the more time it takes to cast. If a mage or priest is hit during the casting of a spell or power, his concentration is interrupted and he moves on to missile or melee combat.


0 (character) (position) (spell)

For example: 0 3 4 62 will have character three prepare to cast spell 62 as his fourth spell in the event of combat



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