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Quest Alliance Manual

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Moderation - Plot Hooks

New parties have the option of specifying a reason why the party formed and started adventuring. Based upon the player's selection the party is given a brief plot hook and the party starts in a settlement that has an appropriate alignment. The new party can then feel like they have more involvement in the moderated worlds.

For example: The party was formed due to some relatives being killed by the Fleyshur Archmage Magnus the Dark. Then in the newsletters when Magnus the Dark is mentioned and in particular when a newsletter quest is issued the new party has a good reason to want to get involved. This also encourages new parties to join Alliances, or at least communicate with Alliances, as they really need access to Special Actions to pursue their plot hooks. Several parties with similar plot hooks could form their own Alliance in pursuit of mutual help.

At present this does not affect existing parties. This update forms the basis for more party depth, which will be added at a future date. Since the vast majority of players with existing parties already have reasons why a party was formed, at a later date existing party plot hooks will be added.



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