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Quest Alliance Manual

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Special Quests - What To Expect At The Start Of A Special Quest

Every SQ has a Quest Liaison; this is the person that the party will normally deal with for the duration of the SQ, although if anything changes the party will be informed. For example if a liaison is killed then another will take over.

For Independent Quests, the party always has to contact the GM OOC to apply for the SQ.

The Quest Liaison provides the party with the necessary information to carry out the SQ. The Quest Liaison may expand upon the advertised information; it is even possible that the information is different from the advertised information. The SQ information is kept short and clear, with many details being ignored for the reasons mentioned in the 'Moderation Information' section explained later.

The SQ is a chance for the party to improve its renown.

A SQ reward is likely offered, for example gold, valuable items or a favour. If no reward is offered then none will be given, other than renown.

If the party is allowed to issue a specific action as a Free Action they will be informed OOC by the GM at the same time as the SQ information is given.

Just one party is needed to complete any type of Special Quest. Some Special Quests, however, may be very difficult/dangerous unless several parties are sent, but the liaison will advise the party when the quest is issued if more than one party is needed.

If the party needs to collect something from the Quest Liaison then the party needs to be in the location of the Quest Liaison to collect things, which is often but not always a settlement.

If the party are told to go to a location and speak with someone to get more information about what is required then the party needs to go to the specified location and as a FA ask for more information. However if the party are told to go to a location and meet with some people to carry out something like a sermon, ritual etc then it is not a FA to ask for details as IC the characters will know what to do. To keep things clear if a FA is available to collect more information then the SQ will mention this.

Unless stated in the Special Quest, the GM does not need to be informed that a party is going to do the Quest, so please do not do so unless the Quest specifically requires it. The party should just do the designated Quest, and contact the GM when appropriate to carry out actions relating to the SQ.



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