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Quest Alliance Manual

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Special Quests - What Is Different About Alliance Special Quests?

Just about everything mentioned above applies to the Alliance Special Quests, the differences are:

The Alliance deals with their Organisation Liaison instead of just a Quest Liaison.The Alliance is given two Special Quests each cycle at Rank 1 and Rank 2. The two Special Quests could be from one of the Organisations it works with, or if the Alliance has three goals then it could be from any combination of Organisations it works with. At Rank 3 the Alliance is given several topics and the Alliance chooses the topics that it wants to carry out as SQ. The Alliance can only have up to 2 SQ per moderation cycle, so for example if an Alliance is Rank 3 with 2 Organisations then only 2 SQ could be chosen, be it 2 from 1 Organisation, or 1 from 2 Organisations.

In addition to the rewards mentioned above an Alliance's status, and thus rank, is affected by the success or failure of its Alliance Special Quests. Failing Special Quests will result in the Alliance losing status with the appropriate Organisation, whilst succeeding will result in an increase in the Alliance's status with the appropriate Organisation.

Alliances have a storeroom that can be used to hold Message Scrolls (473) and Power Scrolls (476), so for Alliance Special Quests instead of needing to nominate a party to collect any items from the Organisation Liaison the Alliance will have been told that any Message Scrolls or Power Scrolls for a SQ will be in their storeroom waiting to collected.

An Alliance is made up of at least five parties and possibly more than one player, thus the party involved in a SQ should consult with the other Alliance members to prevent problems occurring such as a shortage of SA.

Normally only one SA is required to be used on one of the two SQ issued each cycle. There may be occasions when an Alliance will be issued with their 2 SQs and that both quests require SAs. There are other times when both the SQs will require no SAs to be used to complete; these SQs are normally worth just as much status as the ones that do require a SA.

If an Alliance feels it cannot cope with their current amount of Special Quests then the Alliance members can request that the Alliance only be issued next with some basic Special Quests as a FA. These SQs will likely not provide sizeable rewards, nor will they provide a lot of status.



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