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Quest Alliance Manual

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Special Quests - Examples Of Special Quests

Below are some examples of a lot of the types of Special Quests that may be offered. These examples are not detailed and are designed only to give a basic outline of the types available. Special Actions, Powers and skills are explained in more detail in other sections

'Kill target XXXX'.

With this sort of SQ the party needs to find the target by using the four-digit code and kill it by issuing engage orders on their turn. If the party has access to SA, PS or some other moderation method of scouting out the target, weakening the target or similar then the player could if they want to use these other methods.

'Kill NPC'

As the target has no four-digit code it is likely that the target is a moderated NPC, in which case a SA is required to kill the NPC. An Independent party will be given a FA to kill the NPC.

'Go to settlement XX to receive further instructions about Y, from Z.'

The party should go to the appropriate settlement and contact the GM as a FA with the appropriate details and then they will receive more information about the quest from someone or the party could be given a message.

'Investigate sector XX. The subsequent I 0 will reveal more information.'

Go to the area designated and issue Investigate 0 orders on your turn, 'I 0'. The results of the order will be shown on your turn.

'Deliver a message to the Officials in settlement XX.'

A party should collect the message by going to the place where the Quest Liaison is to collect the message. Once the message is collected they need to go to the location or settlement designated and deliver the message, which is done by contacting the GM as a FA.The party needs to end the turn in the designated place and wait for any reply messages. In the case of a message scroll being delivered it is likely the reply message is the same item number; in effect the reply is added on to the message scroll or overwrites the previous message.If there is a reply then the party should deliver it, which would require the party to go to the location of the Quest Liaison and contact the GM as a FA. If no reply is needed, or if the party decides to lie and not deliver a reply just report back to the liaison by contacting the GM as a FA; as noted in the Liaison section for ease of game play a party does not need to be in the same location as a Quest Liaison to contact them.

'Take a power to the designated place and use it on XX.'

A party should collect the Power, usually in the form of Power Scroll (PS) by going to the settlement. Once the power is collected they should then proceed to the designated place.Upon arriving at the designated place the power should be used.

'Send a party to the designated place and meet with NPCs there about XX.'

The party should proceed to the designated place and then issue a SA to interact with the NPC, normally using the Code of Conduct skill about the specified subject. The player does not need to write a speech, but a quick OOC guide of things to discuss should at least be included.

'Investigate NPC XX, who is at location YY, information about where the NPC is in the settlement is given and then report back the information.'

A party should go to the location.Once at the location the player contacts the GM to issue an Investigation SA to investigate whatever it is that is required about the NPC.

'Find NPC XX, who is in settlement YY, and then report back the information.'

A party should go to the settlement and then issue an Investigation SA to find where the NPC is, stating whether the characters will be checking specifically at the pubs, with the Officials or another method like wandering the streets looking for the NPC.

'Go to designated place and perform Moderation Skill XX.'

A party should go to the designated place and perform the designated Moderation Skill. Moderation Skills nearly all require a SA to use. Skills are explained in the 'Moderation Skill' section.

'Take item XX and go to designated place and deliver to it NPC YY, they will give you an item to bring back.'

A party should go to the settlement to pick up the first item. Once collected the party should proceed to the designated place and deliver the item as a FA, then waiting for the item to return to be given to them. Once the return item is collected the party should proceed to the designated place to deliver this item.

'Collect NPC XX from settlement XX, take them to settlement YY and once there attend a meeting.'

A party should go to the settlement to pick up the NPC as a FA. Once collected the party should proceed to the designated place and attend the meeting, which requires a SA. If you want to ask the NPC any questions, or change the plan for the meeting, it will cost a SA as normal.Once the meeting is completed the NPC should be taken to the designated place, which is likely their home settlement.Delivering the NPC is a FA.

'Escort a merchant caravan from settlement XX to settlement YY.'

A party should go to the settlement and meet the merchant caravan as a FA. Depending on what has been told to the party depends on what is required, however it is likely that the quest requires a party moving from one settlement to another without any sort of teleporting such as the journey service, teleport spell, transportation, PS: Portal.Using mounts like horses or powers like Valkyrie's Wings is allowed, but if the party does not follow a path that the caravan could take then there is a chance that the party will not be able to get to the caravan in time in the case of a bad event.

After each turn the party have moved the GM needs to be informed as a FA, so that the turn results can be checked. Once the caravan reaches its destination a FA is still required so that the last turn can be checked. For this reason do not send in another turn until the GM has had a chance to check the previous turn, if you are a postal player put a note on the turncard with a message like 'Give to GM.'; a letter is also required to explain what the action is as normal as well.



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