Alliances - Organisation Moderation Continued
Rank 1 means that an Alliance is working with an Organisation but are likely still considered outsiders and minor members. Trust and dependability are big factors at Rank 1, as the Alliance needs to prove that it is trustworthy and that they can be relied upon to complete the Special Quests issued.
At Rank 2 an Alliance has proven that it can be trusted to carry out and complete Special Quests. The Alliance's opinion is more important to the Organisation than at Rank 1 and there are times when the Alliance's input about important subjects will be requested, but generally the Alliance is still considered to be outsiders from the Organisation.
To achieve Rank 3 with an Organisation the Alliance needs to not only build up its status, but also to show that it is worthy of being elevated in to the Organisation Hierarchy. Having high status represents the fact that the Alliance are probably very good at being 'Yes-People', however being in a position of leadership requires more than being good at following orders.
The amount is different for each Organisation, and there is some leeway in the system, but at least six training sessions must have been purchased in any of the following skills. This is required as the Alliance must be somewhat competent, and whilst it is possible to have lots of skill training but not be very skilled this is a rare problem.
Bankers & Merchants Guild Appraisal, COC: Formal Etiquette, Commerce, Subterfuge
Thieves Guild Acting/Disguise Advanced Larceny, COC: Street Wits, Commerce, Cryptography, Forgery, Interrogation, Subterfuge
Magic Cyrcle ppraisal, COC: Ritualised Etiquette, Cryptography, Magic Ritual, Subterfuge
Baldor Temple COC: Ritualised Etiquette, Investigation, Baldor Ritual, Baldor Sermon, Subterfuge, Mass Heal, Mass Alleviate Disease
Garthrana Temple COC: Ritualised Etiquette, Fortifications, Strategy, Garthrana Ritual, Garthrana Sermon
Sundonak Temple COC: Ritualised Etiquette, Fortifications, Strategy, Sundonak Ritual, Sundonak Sermon
Fleyshur Temple COC: Ritualised Etiquette, Fortifications, Strategy, Fleyshur Ritual, Fleyshur Sermon
Ythcal Temple COC: Ritualised Etiquette, Interrogation, Ythcal Ritual, Ythcal Sermon, Subterfuge
Molwanh Temple COC: Ritualised Etiquette, Molwanh Ritual, Molwanh Sermon, Subterfuge
Novala Temple Acting/Disguise, Appraisal, COC: Ritualised Etiquette, Commerce, Novala Ritual, Novala Sermon, Subterfuge
Phyloqure Temple Appraisal, COC: Ritualised Etiquette, Cryptography, Investigation, Phyloqure Ritual, Phyloqure Sermon, Subterfuge
Settlement Officials COC: Formal Etiquette, COC: Ritualised Etiquette, COC: Street Wits, Investigation, Interrogation, Subterfuge
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