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Quest Alliance Manual

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Settlement Bans - Actions With The Settlement Guards

A SA could be used to ask the settlement guards to let the party in. Settlement guards will nearly always say no unless the party members agree that only a few characters that have no equipment on them will go and then only to allow the party to speak with a Settlement Official. The party should give an indication of what they are willing to offer in return for a ban being lifted, this could help to speed up the lifting of a ban; volunteering for Special Quests is not allowed though. Deviations from this action means that the guards need to be bribed.

For Example: Hermetics (1475) Game 31, Mystics of Avaellia 111, Account Number: 12345, Bobby Joe Smith

Using a SA the party ask the settlement guards of Tavack (5) if they can be allowed to meet with a Settlement Official to discuss what is required to allow the party back into the settlement; the party are willing to pay up to 30,000 gold. The party is currently 1 sector south of the city.

The following is an example of a player deviating from the set procedure:

For Example: Hermetics (1475) Game 31, Mystics of Avaellia 111, Account Number: 12345, Bobby Joe Smith

Using a SA the party will offer 10,000 gold to bribe the settlement guards to let the party in the settlement of Tavack (5). The party is currently 1 sector north of the city.



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