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Quest Alliance Manual

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Settlement Overview - Magic

This category provides magic for the settlement. It is a strange category in that the Settlement Officials have only partial control over it; the Magic Cyrcle generally controls most of the rest. The Bankers & Merchant Guild and the Thieves Guild do have some magical power but it is quite small in comparison. The Temples gain nearly all of their power from their followers and the Gods.

Magical energy can be used to booster other areas of a settlement, produce magical items such as Power Scrolls, in fact just about anything with enough time and a lot of luck.

The magical rating also effects how safe the portal journeys are.

Crisis: Without a good supply of magical energy a settlement will likely grow short on magical items, and most importantly Powers. Having solid defences is not enough if there are few or no magical wards protecting them.

Possibly on the upside with little magical energy a settlement may have fewer monsters harassing it, as it is speculated that they are drawn to magic sources.

Poor: At this level the settlement could have weak defensive wards or have difficulty empowering items. It is also possible that things are okay, but the Officials are concerned that reserves of magical energy are close to running out.

Satisfactory: A settlement with a reasonable amount of magical energy will generally be able to keep its wards active and to produce most of the Powers, giving it the potential to bolster any of its areas.

Good: The settlement has an abundance of magical energy likely enabling it to increase its level of magical wards and maintain more of them; it is possible that the settlement can spare enough magical energy to build a stockpile of Powers. A settlement with an abundance of magical energy can even use some of the magic for trading.

Outstanding: There is a negative side to having lots of magical energy; there is a very small but still important chance of magical events, such as magical storms or monster attacks occurring to the settlement. With the potential to produce a large amount of Powers the settlement should be able to make up for many shortages in any of the other categories. More important to some Officials is the wealth of Powers that can be used on both enemies and friends.



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