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Quest Alliance Manual

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Settlement Overview - Maintenance

This category covers how healthy a settlements infrastructure is. To some Officials this is the least glamourous of the Production categories to consider, but it covers areas such as housing, fortifications and even settlement efficiency and thus should not be dismissed.

Crisis: A settlement with a low rating will have poor housing, likely both in basic buildings and buildings that are in need of overhauls. Even vitally important buildings will eventually suffer if things do not improve, such as warehouses, Official offices, the settlements fortifications and even the grand audience chambers. A run down settlement is an invitation for a visiting diplomat to report back a weak settlement ripe for conquest. Citizens will eventually become a problem for the Officials to deal with, although the settlement might not look good the average citizen is soon likely to be spurred into action if their house starts to fall down. Merchants will not want to run a business in an area that is poorly maintained, and although opportunity for renovating an area can attract some merchants they will more than likely require tax compensations for any investments. Even for many tyrants this situation is not good for their long-term survival; with weak defences and worn statues citizens could decide
that they can win their freedom and launch a revolution. Dilapidated areas serve as good hiding places for criminal elements, and if there are a lot of poor areas to patrol then it makes it harder to control and cull the lawbreakers.

Poor: A settlement in this state of affairs can have all sorts of problems, as listed above, but usually things have not descended to badly yet.

Satisfactory: With adequate fortifications, housing, storage and business the settlement is in a healthy enough state for its day-to-day running to proceed without many problems. What normally happens is that some areas of a settlement will likely be run down, whilst others will be in good condition. The different areas can end up shifting from poor to good and vice versa over years, much to the annoyance of some citizens and the amusement of others.

Good: A settlement at this level of maintenance likely has great fortifications, appearance and infrastructure.

Outstanding: When it comes to some citizens a settlement's image is everything, and living in an impressive area is something they just never shut-up about. Visiting diplomats are likely to be awed and intimidated by a settlement that is so healthy it can throw resources into maintaining lavish buildings and constructing huge monuments. Merchants normally flock to settlements that are well maintained, as crime is usually much better controlled.

With better warehouses a settlement can generally store food and trade goods for slightly longer than basic facilities.



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