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Quest Alliance Manual

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Settlement Population - Merchant Class

This social class covers the different types of citizens like shop owners, highly skilled craftsmen and service providers. The citizens that are considered merchant class tend to have well-paid jobs and can also have some political influence due to their reputation as well as their gold. It is nearly always the case that a merchant is a member of the Bankers & Merchants Guild, although the vast majority of members have little power or influence in the Guild.

There is a common scenario with some members of the merchant class were they act like they are part of the noble class, in these cases many citizens of the peasant class have to deal with obnoxious merchants on a regular basis; this does not mean that all merchant class citizens act all-superior.

Most Settlement Officials actively try to encourage merchants to trade in their settlement, as they are a lucrative source of gold. The result is that members of the merchant class can exert what is to some citizens surprising amounts of political pressure, due to their wealth and long-term ability to generate more wealth.

A lack of merchants in a settlement will likely result in a shortfall of tax funds. Another problem is that trade items will likely be left in warehouses, as there are fewer merchant class citizens who are able to distribute, deliver and sell goods. If trade items are not being sold to the citizens, then it is going to be hard to maintain a reasonable level of citizen morale.

If there are too many merchants, it is possible that the merchants will start to struggle as competition will likely result in the price of items being lowered, and the long-term result of this sort of event is that many merchants could go out of business. Another side effect is that, as merchants turn over less gold, they will be paying less tax, so it is not in most of the settlements interests, and generally for other Organisations, to allow this scenario to occur.



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