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Quest Alliance Manual

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Settlement Population - Noble Class (officials)

The noble social class is just about always the smallest class in a settlement. The main factor in determining who is a member of the noble class is how much obvious power someone has; this normally means that settlement Officials are at the top of this social class.

In a lot of settlements there are families that have long and rich histories intertwining them with the settlement Officials, and this system has created some problems as some families claim to be of noble class due to their history and not their current situation. More often than not members of the other social classes are elevated temporarily if they become important Organisation Officials in a settlement, no matter the Organisation they belong to.

Another factor that can determine who is a member of the noble class is wealth. When someone has not just a lot of wealth but a ludicrous amount they can effectively gain the social rank of a member of the noble class, which usually results in a lot of complaints from other citizens.



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