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Quest Alliance Manual

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Moderation Skills 2


This skill allows a party member to alleviate suffering at a settlement that is in poor health and hasten the recovery of the injured. Unlike the basic Baldor miracle, this does not miraculously cure everyone, but it does alleviate suffering and promotes the fast recovery of a lot of the citizens. If a party uses the Power Heal I, etc, this skill will give the party a bonus. This helps a settlement's morale and production return to normal.

Special Action: Party 1112 will provide relief to the citizens of the village in the form of Mass Heal.


This skill allows a party member to perform a ritual dedicated to a particular God, or a Philosophy. The types to choose from are the Gods. The skill is used in conjunction with other Special Actions, the higher the skill the bigger bonus to that Special Action. For example: an Alliance that works for Baldor could be asked to carry out a cleansing ritual. With Priest Ritual(Baldor) the Alliance would receive a bonus to succeed in its attempt.

Special Action: Party 1112 will carry out a ritual of dedication to Fleyshur on the magical site at their current location.

This skill allows a party member to effect a settlement's beliefs. The types to choose from are the Gods. The citizens can be swayed towards the type of Philosophy or God that the Sermon is about. The effects of giving sermons can vary greatly, but in general a slow change usually occurs, as at least a few of the citizens are swayed by the words. The use of this skill, though, can have very dramatic effects. It is possible that a settlement that has been suffering under a particular God or Philosophy may be fired-up to such heights as rioting, protests and even more 'extreme' actions. On the other hand the party may draw the attention of the Settlement Officials, and any local Priests, which can result in bans, fines and maybe a bounty being declared on the parties' heads. If an Alliance gives a Sermon in a settlement that is well balanced, then it is likely that the Sermon will have little effect. Only performing lots of sermons is not very effective - actions speak louder than words.

Special Action: Party 1112 will carry out a Sermon in the name of Fleyshur.


This skill allows a party member to help in mass battles and also to operate more than one party in a moderation action. If a settlement is under attack by a large force, an event that is far too risky for a party to get involved in directly, they can at least help out on the scouting front. With this skill the information gained by the Alliance will be more useful for the party's allies, as the Alliance will be better able to spot decoys, traps, and ambushes.

When more than one party participates in an action their Strategy ratings are checked to see if the parties can co-ordinate their efforts. This is an automatic process so there is no need to mention the use of the skill in any action.

Special Action: Party 1112 will examine the immediate area in and around the town to figure out the best course of attack.


This skill allows a party member to sense when someone is not being truthful and/or hiding something. This skill involves a combination of observing another's body language, words, deeds and the user's gut instinct.

In addition, the party members are also better at getting away with lying and hiding information.

This skill is automatic in all actions and does not require a Special Action .

Special Action: Party 1112 will introduce ourselves to the Bankers & Merchant Guild using Formal Etiquette.



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