Robbery Guide
Special Note: If a party would prefer to only have gold and no moderated items then please include a comment saying as such in the SA.
This is an overview of the types of robberies that a party may come across. As with all moderated actions party stats do play a part in the chance of success, so sending an inexperienced party who is part of an Alliance with lots of Advanced Larceny training is more likely to result in a failure, and vice versa. There are four difficulty ratings for robberies:
Types of target: Low-ranking members of the Settlement Officials such as clerks, basic merchants, etc.
A target of this type of robbery will likely be quite straightforward, with only a few basic bodyguards or possibly just a bit of magical protection. Party injuries, deaths and captures are unlikely.
Powers, such as those contained on Power Scrolls, Amulets, etc. will likely not be required.
Scouting the target is likely unnecessary if the party was provided some information about the target, for example as part of a quest or SA result.
Types of target: Middle-ranking members of the Settlement Officials such as representatives of a borough of a settlement, middle level merchants, etc. Low-ranking members of the B&M Guild, Temples, Thieves Guild or Magic Cyrcle.
A target of this type of robbery should be quite straightforward for parties who have had access to a few extra training sessions in the Advanced Larceny skill. Party injuries, deaths and captures are possible but unlikely. The target is likely to have some magical protections and bodyguards.
Powers, such as those contained on Power Scrolls, Amulets, etc. could be required, namely Lock-Pick I and Remove Enchantment.
Scouting the target could be a good precaution.
Types of target: High-ranking members of the Settlement Officials such as leaders of a borough of a settlement, powerful/rich merchants. Middle-ranking members of the B&M Guild, Temples, Thieves Guild or Magic Cyrcle.
A target of this type of robbery will likely be quite well defended with access to numerous bodyguards, a fortified location and powerful magical defences. Party injuries, deaths and captures are quite possible. Only parties who have had access to lots of training sessions in the Advanced Larceny skill should attempt this type of robbery and hope to succeed without anything negative happening to them.
Powers, such as those contained on Power Scrolls, Amulets, etc. are definitely required to minimize problems, namely Lock-Pick II and Remove/Suspend Enchantment.
Scouting the target is highly recommended, the party members will likely spot either weak points or areas that are exceptionally well protected.
Types of target: Leaders of any Organisation.
A target of this type of robbery will likely be quite well defended with access to numerous bodyguards, a fortified location and powerful magical defences. Party injuries and death are likely, as are the chances that characters could be captured.
Even using Powers may not be enough, unless the party using the Powers are exceptionally skilled in the skill Magic Ritual and have access to the strongest Powers such as Lock-Pick III, as well as several charges of Remove/Suspend Enchantment.
Scouting the target first is a must!
These ratings are only guidelines and as such please keep in mind that the results can vary.
In a settlement the local Thieves Guild usually controls the various robberies that take place. The Thieves Guild is often presented with the choice of how to handle people that carry out robberies without the Guilds permission, the choice taken is normally to wait for the people behind the unauthorised robbery to approach them and pay a tithe; there are times when the choice could be to steal from the offending people or it could be something far more drastic!
As with all moderation the tithe can be ignored, but there are consequences to doing so.
For parties working for the Thieves Guild they are normally told the tithe is required at the same time as the robbery information. The party's choices are:
Haggle regarding the tithe, which is not normally worth trying (requires a SA)
As a FA the party can turn the job down. This can be done at any time, although the longer it is left the more likely the Organisation will be annoyed with the party, which could result in the party being penalised.
Accept the job, in which case do not contact the GM with details that the party will accept the job, instead contact the GM when the party is ready to carry out a moderation action for the job.
Paying the tithe is a Free Action (FA), as with all moderation actions do not mix in other subjects and then try to pass it off as a (FA).
Tithes usually range from 10% and rarely exceed 50% of the total items stolen value.
A robbery can be abandoned but the Thieves Guild will likely still require their tithe, the value of which will likely be based on the minimum expected. This is to stop time wasters costing the Thieves Guild money.
A simple message to say that the robbery is being abandoned does not require a SA. If the Thieves Guild is quickly told that the party will not attempt the robbery they may let the party off the tithe, as they could have enough time to get someone else to carry the robbery out.
If the party has access to a SA and uses it, it is possible that the Thieves Guild can be persuaded to forgo the tithe.
Once the party decides the job is finished, inform the Thieves Guild representative that the party initially spoke with, or if someone else was nominated then that person.
The Thieves Guild will appraise for free magical items as part of the tithe system. This requires the party to take the items to the same settlement as the representative and the contact information to include all appropriate information. If a party is worried about the Thieves Guild trying to lie to them then the party should appraise the items some other way first.
The percentage tithe is based on the total gold value of all the items collected, so you need to include a list of all the items collected. Be warned that the Thieves Guild could have magically, or mundanely monitored the party so lying is possible but could be risky.
To keep it simple plus items have a value of 900 per '+'. For example: A +5 Helmet, Sword, Shield, Plate Mail, whatever, is valued at 4,500. See the section 'Creating Magical Section' subsection Commissioned for examples of item values.
A problem many might wonder about is in a world of relative value what is an items value. For non-moderation items the party gets the same amount of gold as the normal turn results.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Only items gained from a robbery can be converted to gold in this way, you cannot lie and attempts to lie could result in a GM enforced penalty.
Tithes can be taken from the party's or Alliance's bank account or from the items taken in the robbery; it is important that it is made clear at the time.
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