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Quest Alliance Manual

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Moderation Advice - Using Special Actions

This applies mainly to Rank 3 but also Ranks 1 & 2 to a lesser degree. At any rank an Alliance that just fulfils the basic requirements is doing just that, carrying out the minimum work required to advance.

How you look at the subject of SA and their expenditure is an important aspect, they are very valuable and there is no such thing as a 'wasted SA'. If the Alliance chose to use a SA then it must have done so for a reason, even if it turns out that the SA did not achieve much it does not mean the SA was a waste.

Taking this frame of mind over the time period of a year that will generally see an Alliance as part way through Rank 2 with an Organisation, there will have been SA that could have been assigned to use for information gathering about the Organisation the Alliance works with/for.

For Example: An Alliance that has 5 active parties will receive 2 SA per cycle. Usually 1 SA is required per cycle to be used in one of the Alliance's Special Quests. This generally leaves the small Alliance 1 SA to be used on anything else, like Moderation Skill Training or finding out information about an Organisation.

Here is another Alliance example.

For Example: An Alliance that has 25 active parties will receive 6 SA per cycle. Usually 1 SA is required per cycle to be used in one of the Alliance's Special Quests. This generally leaves the Alliance 5 SA to be used on anything else, like Moderation Skill Training or finding out information about an Organisation.

So when an Alliance at Rank 3 has no Special Quests given to it, the Alliance can use all of its SA in pursuit of its goals. Ideally the Alliance's goals are not too far from the Organisation's goals. If an Alliance's goals do not roughly match the Organisations then the Alliance will likely start to lose status and thus Rank.

For Example: If an Alliance working for one of the Temples does not do beneficial things for the Temple, like promoting the cause of the Temple and its patron God, then the Temple Officials will want to know why the Alliance is working with the Temple?

A very appropriate analogy: A politician working for just about any Government Political Party in real life and then not actually doing any work whilst holding a position of responsibility will quickly result in the politician in trouble. Working against the Political Party will likely result in serious repercussions, namely the Politician losing their place in the Political Party. The politician is expected to further the Political Party's aims and renown. As the politician works their way up the ranks in the Political Party they generally gain more influence and responsibility. In Quest: GME the Alliance is in this position.

Another thing to remember is that a politician who attains a high standing in a Political Party need to know things about the Political Party and the other party members; as covered above. It makes little sense to ignore the others and Political Party events.



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