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Quest Alliance Manual

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Alliance Faqs - How Do We Go About Completing A Distraction Special Quest In A Settlement?

It is best if the Alliance can send several parties to the designated settlement. Once there the Alliance then contacts the GM with a Special Action to perform an action or skill.

How the Alliance wants to go about distracting the Officials, or whomever the Alliance has been asked to distract, is up to them. Carrying out Sermons, making a big fuss, contacting the settlement Officials and telling them something to occupy them (code of conduct skill), even trying to attack the settlement can be tried, although any violence is almost guaranteed to get the Alliance banned and may result in casualties for the party.

The only major obstacle here is how many Special Actions the Alliance wants to use. The Alliance should keep the Special Action short and simple, as long-winded Special Actions may result in complications due to circumstances the Alliance is not aware of.



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