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Quest Alliance Manual

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Alliance Faqs - We Have A Special Quest That Involves A Settlement; Can We Announce Details To Other Parties/alliances And If So, Will This Cause Problems For Us With Our Liaison?

It depends on what is said and the sensitive nature of the Special Quest. If the SQ is meant to be kept quiet, then the liaison, and thus the Organisation, is likely to be upset/angry with the Alliance. If the SQ has not been specified as 'keep quiet' then it is up to the Alliance to decide whether they want to risk other parties/Alliances specifically doing what was asked of them, or not. An Alliance must gamble with the possibility of parties interfering or just generally making a nuisance of themselves, but sometimes the Alliance can find ways to use this interference to their advantage.

Announcing moderation information costs a SA, as per the system that controls moderated information. Telling other players can be done without giving away moderated information.

For Example: 'Party (1111) is arriving in Avaellia in the next game week, please do not carry out any hostile actions against them.'



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