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Quest Alliance Manual

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Party Controlled Shops - Moderation And Shops

You can use an action, be it a Power or a SA, to attempt to Infiltrate or Rob a party shop. Using an action on a shop is an easy undertaking, with a high chance of failure, before modifiers, and thus should be undertaken after weighing up the worth of the action versus the potential consequences.

If the protection money is being paid then any actions on a shop are more difficult, and more likely to have even harsher repercussions if the action fails.

An additional modifier to an actions success or failure is the shops setting. A basic shop is easier to break into than a fine or opulent shop. Whilst an opulent shop is more difficult the rewards will be better if the action is successful.

If you have a shop that is in a settlement with an Alliance that has Rank 2 with one of its goals they have more political power than your party has. This is an important consideration, as setting up a shop in a Settlement that belongs to an enemy Alliance is likely to result in a lot of wasted gold and/or SA.A SA can be used to attempt to have any shop, including a player-controlled shop closed down. However it is important to remember that for a party to have a shop in the first place they must have paid a lot of gold, or carried out favours for the settlement, so without a good reason, a big bribe or other incentive the SA will likely not work.



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