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Quest Alliance Manual

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Alliance Moderation Form

An Alliance needs to fill in the Alliance Recognition form, which can be done either on our website or by requesting the form be sent to you. Once an Alliance has been formed in one of the moderated worlds (Games 31 and 32) the Alliance Hierarchy can then fill in this form.

Make sure you have received a turn back confirming the Alliance details before filling in this form. Also make sure you have read the advanced rulebook, and that the Alliance agrees on the details before filling this form.

(Amendments will cause a loss in Status points and Special Actions). The email address, if appropriate, and player name applies to the person filling the form in.

Game Number:
Account Number:
Player Name:
Email Address:
Alliance Name:
Alliance Number:
Settlement Base:
Shop Number:
HQ Manager:
Primary Goal:
Secondary Goal:
Tertiary Goal:
Alliance Overview:.



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